So let's start with this.
Back last year or the beginning of this year, Nine Inch Nails announced a small UK tour. Now they are Kev's all time favourite band, he has their logo tattooed on his arm, and he'd never seen them live before. So we had to remedy this!!
If you signed up to the bands website you could get earlybird tickets that meant you got in half an hour before the rest of the crowd. So the morning they went on sale I was ready with my card to get onto the site and buy these tickets!
Luckily, I got them, which was super exciting, but we had a long wait until May.
Anyway, May came around, I booked a half day from work, and so we headed off to Cardiff in the early afternoon!
We popped out for a meal in a buffet place, can't remember the name, and had a wander around the shops before heading over to the Motorpoint arena!
I was honestly expecting a huge queue, and that we were gunna be near the back inside and the only thing getting me through was the thought that 'at least they will have a good lightshow that we'll be able to see'.
But we got there, and the earlybird queue was tiny. Like, TINY. I couldn't believe it! This was around half 4 or 5pm! We sat there for a little while before getting talking to this guy who has seen them a ton of times and was following this tour around the country. He was cool, he told us he was a freelance artist so I asked him if he had a website or anything (!) and by this point we had made our way inside the building and were waiting for the doors.
The earlybird ticket people were given wristbands so that we were let in in the order we were there, so me and Kev were 14 and 15! Still can't get over that!
By this point I still could not believe we would be in the front row, but low and behold, we got in to the arena, tottered down to the stage and we were on the barrier! Right at the front! :D Amazing!

Here is an awful photo to prove it lol.
There was a starting band which consisted of a one armed man who fell right out of the 80s and his useless lady counterpoint, and then after a time, the lights went down, the screaming rose and Nine Inch Nails came out!!
It was brilliant, I can't really describe the atmosphere, but it was just amazing. You could hear in the crowd's singing every word that they adore Trent and everything he and the band has ever done. It was a little sad that I didn't know all the lyrics to sing along to, but I think I recognised almost every song and I got to sing along to a few :)
You don't think the light show matters much at a gig until you've seen a NIN gig. Honestly it was beautiful, my photos just could not do it justice! The lighting suited the atmosphere of every single song perfecting. Reptile was all green and grungy reptilian, Closer felt like a hot sweaty orgy of fans, all of it was just perfect.
I never really paid a lot of attention to the band before, I'd only had Closer and Hurt to go from, and although they were good it just wasn't my cup of tea, but hearing whole albums by them since being with Kev, they're so much more. I like a variety of old and new songs, I guess the older ones are more emotional and raw but my probably Every Day is Exactly the Same.
Needless to say I have a new found respect that runs deeper than it had before, and being at the front it was really intense watching Trent perform these songs that are little pieces of his soul. It felt like a privilege to be totally honest.
Here are my photos anyway. Sorry there are so many, I couldn't narrow them down much!!
I love that the double-Trent photo was actually taken during Copy of A lol. And I'm in awe that Trent still gets really emotional during Hurt. After all these years. That it means so much to him still. It's lovely.
I'm so happy that Kev got to see them finally, I was just so excited for him and he enjoyed every second of it and he was so happy! Like so so happy! It was amazing <3
We bought fake t-shirts outside (because the official ones were £25!) and then headed back to the train station. Amazing night over and done. :) <3
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