
Sunday, 4 May 2014

Early Easter in Swansea!

Geez, I have loads to put up on here don't I!
So let's begin with our trip down to Swansea :) We went down to pre-celebrate Easter and my birthday!

I made some chocolate chip and fudge cookies (which were lovely but I forgot to take any photos of) and some fudge cupcakes! The plan was a lot more elaborate, but I chickened out and just added green icing and wafer daisies...but they're still kind of cute :) Got mangled on the way there though! I really need a good cupcake carrier!


Me and Kev got to April and Noah's around midday I think, and we had a chat, a munch and a cup of tea before I opened my prezzies! :D Unfortunately I didn't take any photos and everything is spread around so I can't take pics just yet, but I had some awesome prezzies and I luffs them <3

Afterwards we had a walk down to the beach (which took aaaaages, but was nice!) and took a leisurely stroll along the beach towards the other end :)
We found a few dead crabs along the way for April and Noah's collection which was a bonus. It's actually a really nice beach, I wasn't sure what it would be like only vaguely seeing it from bus windows, but it's really long and nice quality and the dogs were loving it!

Group photo! :) There was also exercise equipment dotted along the beach walk which were pretty fun! I'm sure they're there for a proper work-out, but a few minutes farting about on them was good lol. It's a nice idea actually :)

After our bus journey back we stopped off and bought fish and chips which was delicious, and then spent the evening in usual Fatboy fashion eating laughing and watching movies and documentaries!

The following day we headed into Swansea to go to the book swap! :) I took a few books down, and came home with looooads lol. Something I need to stop doing but I can't help it! XD I did manage to find one book that I really wanted to read too, so that's a bonus! The rest were just lovely additions lol.
We had a scrummy McDonalds and then me and Kev headed back home.
Had a lovely weekend with the Fatboys, will be good to see them more often if all goes to plan! :)


  1. next time where take you to the park, its closer too :p maybe we can have a picnic?
    the photos of the hounds are really nice, they both look really chuffed. my hair looks crazy in the bus station photo and I don’t look to impressed!
    what was the book you really wanted?

    1. Yeah that sounds good, less of a trek and food at the end of it lol! Nice sandwiches and stuff :)
      They look all excited and silly hehe <3 Never noticed the hair!! haha bless, all that sea air!
      I think the title is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time? Something like that anyway :)

      I almost gave up on this whole post, I just have no motivation today lol, I'll have to get up and do the other posts tomorrow, this afternoon has been a waste XD All I've done is browse shit online, play farmville on my phone (oh no why did they release it on there!) and make pancakes just for something to do lol.

  2. did you get Noah’s message about seeing godzilla? maybe we can have a park/picnic day and then go to the cinema :)
    I’ve heard of that, they did a play of it in taliesin recently.
    you must, I wanna see and read about your holiday! :P I’ve been trying to write but I keep getting distracted by blogger and goodreads. that and I had a long snuggle with Eva and Dolphie. I need to start putting more photos on my blog again but I’m lazy now it's private. sometimes doing nothing but crap is good though :P
