I've got two days of Inductions first, so I won't be where I actually will be working for most of these two days, but I think I'll be seeing it for a couple of hours. It's really scary, but kind of exciting. Unfortunately I think I'm more excited for the first paycheck than anything else lol, but I guess that's motivation enough. It will be a good job, I'm determined, but it's still nerve-wracking!
I'll let you know how it goes haha.
So this weekend I had one night with Kev, which was lovely as always but it went way too quick. I'm really not looking forward to hardly see him at all. I think it's worse at the moment because he's gone back to work today, and I start tomorrow, and next weekend he's off and it would be the perfect time to spend it all together...but I have the Cheltenham Literature Festival on Saturday *sigh* I'm looking forward to it, but I really would rather be at home with my man. Probably gunna end up just seeing him for one night then disappearing off to Cheltenham. Sad face.
Hopefully he's off the weekend after, otherwise ugh...don't even wanna think about that.
Unfortunately this weekend was all chop and change all the time. My back is feeling awful still, and it was worst on Friday. I left the house to get into town at 3, the bus was due at 3:16 and at 3:04 it flew past me while I was hobbling down to the stop! Assholes! Then the next one was 3:37 - didn't show. The next was due at 4pm - showed up just after, full of school kids...then they got off (success!) and then it filled up with 3 buggies and about 12 children running about and screaming or crying and ugh...what the hell! Didn't get to do all I needed to, and I got to the station to meet Kev just in time for his train to come in.
We made some food and we ended up watching Hangover Part 2, and then we watched some Russell Howard and then went to bed to watch Catfish but it crashed about half way through damnit!
Then in the morning we had some breakfast and after a while (and a quick visit from my Auntie and Uncle!) we headed into town so I could do all the shit I needed to do the day before! Then Kev had to head home, so it was very short, but lovely as always <3
So today I've filled in all the forms and got my documents together for tomorrow, and after we made dinner I had a test run of my secret Halloween cakes! Didn't come out too shabby if you ask me, but there can definitely be improvements! I took photos but I think I'll hold back until Halloween 'cause I'm really excited about them and I want them to be loved lmao <3
Other than that I've been hobbling around and trying to make my back less painful...let's just hope tomorrow isn't too bad.
Ah well...fingers crossed aye!
Also...I will just add...I've unfortunately been watching the X Factor, and last night Louis 'absolute wanker' Walsh sent Paul Akister home *rages*...Not only is he beautiful eye candy, he is really talented! He's so lovely and shy and humble, and his voice is just wow...so I'm very angry... And unless he is brought back as a wild card I will be very unhappy...though I will probably keep watching just 'cause I have no life any more.
But meh. Here he is lol.
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