I started my new job, and I think I'm getting on ok with it. The job is quite nice really, covering the reception and prepping the notes for the clinics. The reception is cool in the sense that you're talking with the public, and most people seem nice! Sat with the radio on in the waiting room checking people's details and booking them into the clinic. The prepping is ok too, just enough of the repetitive stuff that I like, and wandering around the hospital to get notes now and then etc. It's nice...it's just a shame the management is useless.
I have 2 managers, I have been there 3 weeks, seen 1 of them about 4 times and 1 of them once. And each of those encounters bar the first one was about 5mins long? It's awful. There's noone around ever! It's really laid back, which you'd think is nice, but I need structure. I've had a killer bad back for over a month now and even went to the doctors about it (which seeing as I've been to the doctors about twice since I was 16/17 is a big deal) and because I started a new job I didn't want any time off sick of course, but I have only just managed to get a sick number off of them! It's ridiculous! Lucky I wasn't really ill!
They're really awful and have no idea what is going on in our department. They took over the same week I started apparently, and you would have thought that if you're taking over a department you would be there to take it all in! But no! Also there are 3 people that can cover reception at the moment, 1 only works Thursdays and Fridays, 1 just got a new job so is waiting to leave, and 1 is going traveling in December and leaving! So I have to be up to scratch as soon as possible! And definitely by Christmas as I have been told that I will be the only person in over the Christmas period because everyone else has booked it off! I questioned it saying surely there should be some kind of protocol so that not everyone can ask for it off, and she was just like 'you'd think so'...!!!
They're pathetic. But other than that stressful thought, I'm enjoying it!
But anyway...spent two lovely weekends with Kev, but they go so horribly fast, I hate it! :C
Weekend before last we made a cake which was gorgeous! Unfortunately I did buy a Betty Crocker cake mix because I wanted a quick cake fix, but we still had to add a ton of stuff, make the butter cream and add the jam, so it hardly quickened it up! Here are a few photos of it :) yum!
Also Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace was on TV, so we watched that before we made a Spaghetti Bolognese! So happy we got to watch it, though I hate Jar Jar Binks!! As a kid when that film came out I saw it twice at the cinema (though I'm not sure why!) and he was pretty entertaining! I guess he was for most kids at that time, but now? Oh my god. He's just so irritating! The voice and accent and oafishness! Gah! Really irritated me, but I still enjoyed the film. Though with adverts it felt ridiculously long.
Also had a scare with Tic-Tac this weekend, I woke up one morning and his head was out of the tank, like he was investigating - which is fine and usual for his personality! - and then when I got home from work he'd had a mantle collapse! :C I only realise this after searching online for hours trying to see what was wrong with him. He was hanging on one glass wall with his body pretty much all out of his shell, it was horrible! I saw it was pretty much fatal but they can live for a few weeks, so I need to see what is going to happen...but it's scary :( It said it can burst their lung most times and that they suffocate to death. So that night there were bubbles along the edge of the shell and we thought he must be dying quickly. He pretty much sank in on himself and we thought he'd probably be dead by morning. If he wasn't I was gunna try and call a vet to see if there was a way to put him down humanely 'cause we really couldn't face putting him in the freezer or anything.
Anyway in the morning he had sunk off of the wall and I couldn't tell if he was alive or dead so I wanted to leave it til I got home. So I got home from work, and he was still in the same spot. I said something like 'what we gunna do with you aye?' and when I came back downstairs from getting changed he was climbing up the glass!! He still seems to be a little out of his shell, but he's finally come down from the sides and is resting on the floor of his tank. I was so scared I'd have to pick him off and keep him in a container or something, but he seems to be ok. Still won't eat. He's eaten a leaf of lettuce and maybe one chunk of cucumber since he woke up in July so no wonder his muscles are weak. He just won't eat! He is about 4 or 5 now so he is quite old...but I don't want him to go so soon <3
So this weekend I went and bought cinema tickets for next week of a remastered Rocky Horror Picture Show! Can't wait <3 Gunna go straight from work on Friday so I won't be all dressed up, and we're not sure if that's what will be happening, but it'll be fun!
Friday night we made pizzas with the little pizza bases I bought from Tesco, and that was fun! I completely forgot to take a photo of them once they were cooked (though I'm sure Kev is fed up of me stopping him from eating so I can take photos of everything lmao!) but I got this awful one of them beforehand.
Then this morning we woke up and I really wanted to have pancakes! So I thought sod it, let's make some! The recipe in the book we have are for American ones, so there was a lot of extra ingredients, but they came out amazing! So thick and fluffy and lovely! We decided to have them with bacon and syrup seeing as they were American, and that was lush <3 Though they took ages to eat! I have no idea how people have this for breakfast before work! Too stodgy! Though it keeps you full, so maybe it's a good idea actually...
Here's some photos :)
Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones was on this afternoon too so we watched that one too! Again I enjoyed it...but I hated Anakin. Like really hated him. I didn't give a shit about him. The way he treated Padmé felt more like sexual harrassment than anything else to me. And not in a feminist way, just ugh, he was vile. I felt nothing for him. Even when he found his mother. I was happy that R2D2 and C3PO were back together, and that brought some light entertainment, but this second set of films are really lacking what made the first set so exciting. It's a real shame. But I'm still enjoying them and I'll be recording Episode 3 next weekend to watch at a later date! :) Still absolutely adoring R2D2! <3
And before Kev went home we went to FlavourZ for some tea! Which was yum! Though we were pretty stuffed from the pancakes still lol, so didn't take stupid advantage of the all you can eat, but it was still yummy :) Not quite as lovely as Peachy Keens in Newport though! But Kev likes them both equally now I think :3 Ah well!
Next weekend should be nice going to visit my fatboys for Halloween! Will spend Saturday morning baking treats! <3