When we got off the 36 near home we were walking along the main road, and I turned round to say something to Kev and I fell right off the curb! Straight on my hands and knees in the gutter lol! What the hell! :C It was only a matter of seconds before I was back up again and we were both laughing but oh my lord lol! Bad karma that was, 'cause I was gunna say something cheeky to Kev about being childish lmao.
My hands were stinging and my knees were feeling a bit sore, but I took my jeans off to check when we got in and I had a big graze on my left knee! :C
No sympathy from my mum when she got home lol, she's used to me being dramatic, but bless him Kev did try, even though he's a hardnut and it's nothing to him :P
I took a photo the morning after, both knees are scagged up, and they're both feeling bruised, a little one is showing around it now but it feels bruised all the way over them both! Got a lot of weight going down on them if I fall lmao!
Anyway! We got a Chinese that evening, which obviously my mum and Kev love but I had to be a bit picky, I wasn't too keen on all of it, but what I did have was lush :)
I can't remember what we watched on TV, but we have watched a lot of Gavin and Stacey, started the 3rd series Sunday night :)
Saturday we walked down to the Co-op and bought some burgers and buns for our tea, and then we made the lemon brownie cake that I'd been wanting to make for a while! :D It was gorgeous! So moist and tangy and yum! The zesting was near impossible, but I think we will buy a zester at some point lol. I added a little blob of lemon curd on the top of each slice when we had it, just to look cute :) Went way too fast!
We ate our burgers and watched the X Factor, then probably some Qi and Catfish or something lol, can't quite remember.
Sunday morning we got up really late and had cheese on toast which was lovely, and we must have just watched TV and films all day! We watched Jabberwocky, which is a comedy with Michael Palin that Kev's dad was as extra in! :D We saw him too, in a queue outside the castle walls hehe, that was really cool :) Sunday night we watched the X Factor and then the Big Fat Quiz of the 80's, though obviously the other 3 remembered it, I was a baby in the last year!
I also received a letter saying they'd suspended my Jobseekers because ONE JOB expired before I could apply for it! Assholes completely.
But anyway, Monday morning we got up, had some breakfast and headed into town. I get a couple of forms from the Jobcentre to appeal against the decision, and the woman was really helpful. Then we went and grabbed some lunch and then headed down to Templemeads :) We sat for an hour or so down by the water by the Creative Common, and Kev got a train back to Newport about half 4 :)
Lovely time with my man as always! <3 Not looking forward to hardly seeing him when I start working, but at least he's there to chat to on the phone and text! That will have to do! <3 Though...I think this Winter is going to be bad...no man, no sleep, new routine, no sunlight...I'm sure to hit a downer...but hey ho, we'll get there when we get there :)
On a good note, I had a call from the job earlier, and I could be starting as early as October the 7th! Maybe 21st, but hopefully 7th :) I'm excited and terrified at the same time lol!
Omg are you alright D: that looks like it was pretty painful.
ReplyDeleteI thought that cake was a slimy pizza covered in sweetcorn when I first saw it lol
The Job Seeker people are completely cunts, seriously.
Both of my knees are a bit tender, like inside is bruised so it hurts to lean on them, but I guess they're not too bad now! Was horrible the day after, all stingy in the shower and horrible XC
DeleteHaha looks like it huh! I really need a zester, i just had to cut up the lemon skin in mini pieces lol, awful!
They really are huh, so fed up of it, just hope i'm out of it soon!