Day 24
Tell us about the last film you saw in theatres
The last film I saw in theatres was The World's End!
Actually I saw the whole Cornetto Trilogy in the cinema, but The World's End was the midnight premier. And I loved it! I never got around to seeing it again before it left, but I can't WAIT for it to be released in November.
Anyway. I don't want to give anything away to people who haven't seen it. Basically, Simon Pegg's character Gary King hasn't really grown up, and is one of those greasy goth drinkers that never got anywhere in life. He decides to see if he can get his friends from the old days to go back to Newton Haven and complete the 'Golden Mile' - which is the pub crawl through the town, finishing at The World's End. Somehow he manages to convince them all (including Nick Frost's character who has shared a bad experience with Gary in the past) and they return to Newton Haven and start their pub crawl!
All is going well (albeit awkwardly) when they realise that everyone is acting extremely strange, and no one seems to recognise them any more...then it all kicks off and I won't share any more. But I highly recommend seeing it!
I'm torn between 'talking about it because hey, it's my blog', and 'oh no, I don't want to spoil it for people!' but y'know.
What I will say, is that I was really shocked when it all started kicking off, I think I didn't expect such a high budget look, and there is so much choreography in the fighting scenes, and it's just really nicely done. It was so much more than I expected from the film and that makes me extremely happy!
I adore Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and I was not disappointed with the final flick in the Cornetto Trilogy. I can't wait to see it a gazillion times so that I have the same kind of opinion on it as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz so that I can decide which is my ultimate favourite!
And what makes me the most excited about it being released?
I hope they do me proud in that department, and being geeks I'm sure Edgar Wright will let the box set have eeeeeeverything :)
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