Day 21
Your favourite subject to study
This is a hard choice, but I guess Art. I mean I was always more interested in doing art than learning about dadaism and impressionists, but the artists I really felt a connection with I loved learning about! And I guess I did learn a few damn good things artistically from studying art at school and college lol.
I adored the learning I did for projects mainly, where it was artists I was interested in researching and not some dull Jackson Pollock crap where we had to learn how this coloured block means such and such...
I chose an image of Frida Kahlo 'cause I've loved her work since my school days, I remember working on something and my teacher said to me "You'd like Frida Kahlo, hang on..." and went and got me one of her art books for me to look at (which I still have actually...oops!). I fell in love instantly, knowing that this artist was the same as me inside, putting her emotions so bluntly onto the page that it felt almost intrusive to look at it...I loved it, and I still do to this day! Dali as well I'd like to throw in here :)
I've also chosen this photo because it's 'historical', and I feel like now I'm older and out of school I would love the opportunity to learn more about history. I never enjoyed it at senior school, maybe because I didn't enjoy the way the teachers taught it, or I was too wrapped up in my own world...the only time I seemed to care was when I got an A for a poem I wrote about the war in Year 9...
I adored learning about the Tudors and Greeks in primary school, I really did...but unfortunately most of it has just slipped out of my head and that pains me. I would love to have kept all that information.
I hate that I didn't enjoy history at the time, I would love it now. It's so gory and full of passion and revenge and death and fear...and I just wish school would have put that into my head.
But hey ho!
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