Day 7
I think that's a pretty naff question when I'm not on Tumblr, so I'm going to talk about blogging in general I think, or social media sites and whatnot...
So I found LiveJournal when I was around 14 I would imagine...and to be honest it's probably the only reason I have some sanity today.
I've never really been one to show my emotions, let alone talk about them to people, so LiveJournal became a bit of a safe haven for me. I would write in it all the time, daily most likely.
I felt like it was the only place I could express how I was feeling, the only way I could get my problems off my chest. I can't say it stopped me from indulging in bad habits, but it was always there for me and I'm really thankful for that.
I've since deleted my original LJ, and I'm kind of glad, 'cause after going through my old diaries the other day I would probably be traumatised all over again if I read the kind of shit I'd put on there. I have another - friends only so it's for my deeper feels lol, but I'll accept friends! - that I'm really thankful for. I sometimes can't face writing in it, and I know I've been really slack as of late...but I'm glad it's there to vent to when I'm needing it.

I guess I use my deviantART journal as a venting ground sometimes, not so much anymore, but that's always been a nice place for me to express myself. I suppose when you see my older self-portraits you can kind of tell I needed to be venting to someone!
Nowadays I suppose Facebook is the main culprit of my time-wasting...with it being on my phone it's like a constant thing. But I don't put anything tooooooo personal on there...or not that I want shared around anyway.
I tend to be on Tumblr every so often, usually just to reblog photos and pictures that I find fun or cool or intriguing. It's a good site for random things, one day I might post on there, but it's a trap for anyone who doesn't copyright their stuff, it's insane the amount of unsourcing that goes on.
Other than that I have a Pinterest account, a GoodReads account, a Twitter account which I rarely bother with these days and that's about it really...and of course this Blogger! Which again I've been a bit slack with...but hey.
You can find me here if you want to, I don't bite! :)
x Pinterest x GoodReads x Twitter x Facebook x LiveJournal x deviantART x
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