30 Day Challenge 1
Day 5
Day 5
Tell us your three favourite colours.
Where to start! Ok, lets do this...
Red is kind of my 'signature' colour. I've loved it for years and I don't think I was really seen in anything other than red and black for most of my early teens (other than the pink trousers!). I suppose I see red as 'blood'...y'know how in art lessons you were always taught that red is anger or red is love, I understand that, but I always hated those kind of lessons, like we were dumb. And with my love of bloody art it's always attracted me.
Red is such a strong colour; It's impressive and sexy and eye-catching and smooth and I just love it.

I've loved green for as long as I can remember. I was rather obsessed with fluorescent green when I was about 7-9, but I love all greens and I love nature so it fits well. I love it when I'm travelling on a train just to watch the greens fly past me in a blur. There are so many different greens out there and they're all lovely in their own right! I do love lime most...or like a chartreuse-y kind of green, but all are pretty.
I'm not sure when my white obsession came into play, but I do love it! I tend to buy gadgets in white when possible (even buying a Kobo rather than a Kindle so that I could get a white one), and I really like white tops. I think I love white and black together most, they're a nice mix and the monochrome look always impresses me. Other than 60s style 'cause that's a bit cheesey to me lol. Maybe it's the 'cleanliness' about it that I love...or just the stark difference to most black things these days.
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