Day 10
Talk about your pets, or the pets you would like to have
So my current pet is Tic-Tac, who is a Giant African Land Snail (which from a quick wiki search I think he is an Achatina fulica...). I call him a 'he' although they are actually 'it' would be the preferred pronoun I guess!
Anyway...I got Tic-Tac around the beginning of 2009, so he's about 4 years old now! Aww :) He's been asleep for about 9 months unfortunately, but it's been so humid here lately that he's woken up again! I think it's the tank he's in that he doesn't like the atmosphere much...but I'll be trying to make it better for him now.
This is my favourite picture of him :)

In 1997 we got our beautiful pussy cat Tiggy :') I swear he was my soulmate or something but I won't go into the whole deep daemon style descriptions right now...Tigs was always the most important thing in my life and I miss him all the time now that he's gone. I have a touchstone with some of his ashes in, and a gorgeous little urn with the rest of them in. I also still have all the whiskers he'd lost over the years :) Lost in our house anyway lol. He had to be put to sleep in Dec 2011. <3 It's actually hard to see the photos of him from the month or two before he died, he doesn't look himself at all...
So look at his beautiful face <3

I don't have any other pets, although I did almost come home with a goldfish when me and Kev went to Barry Island! They had them on one of the game stalls as a prize, and I hate that, but I thought I could give one a good home (and call it Barry of course!) but then I thought it would be hard to get it home without traumatising it on the train etc. So alas I am Barryless.
I'm also really wanting some pet rats, which I've wanted for a couple of years now...but it just doesn't seem like the right time ever. I currently have no job so I would not be able to afford the rats let alone the expensive cage and toys etc! And I'm not really home much at the moment with all the travelling back and forth to we'll have to see what happens. One day I would really love some though. They're so intelligent and adorable and aww I just want some so badly! :)
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