So Friday was Kev's birthday! :D
I bought him a Monty Python t-shirt, a Sonic the Hedgehog bag and tickets for us to go see Derren Brown in a couple of months :)
I also completed the cake!! Disaster!
Well...50% disaster. The Icing (after getting a whole in it and having to dash to Tesco and buy more) was a success after how worried I was! But alas, although it looked good in the end, the cake was AWFUL.
Honestly it had the texture of a rubber bouncy ball. It was so bad!
We laughed about it obviously, but it was actually quite depressing lol! My common sense when it comes to self-raising flour obviously decided to stay switched off that day.
Anyway, have a butchers :)

Shame I didn't take any pics more from the side so you could see all the relief and stuff.
The jam kept the icing nice so that was fun to pick off and munch lol.
Such a shame!
Anywho! That was Friday night. I can't remember what we actually did, I remember watching some TV, and we had a fat Spag Bol with garlic bread. It was nice :)
Then Saturday we chilled out in the morning and had a nice cheese and bacon toastie for breakfast (delish!) and Kev helped Kelvin with getting the washing machines (new and old!) in and out of the house!
Then we headed into town, bought some munch and then got on another bus and went out to Hengrove to find the Cineworld! (Kev's sisters got me and him Cineworld vouchers for Christmas.)
We'd decided to watch Hunger Games: Catching Fire because 1, it was on at a perfect time, 2, we really wanted to see it, and 3, it was actually still out at the cinema after coming out in November!
It was really good, stuck really close to the book from what I can remember and ended nicely in such a way that you can't wait to see what happens next :D Hope it's not too long til Mockingjay Pt 1!
We could have seen Devil's Due but I think that's one to save and watch with Noah and April, along with the new Paranormal Activity one!
I would also like to point out that I actually wore a SKIRT out!! I've been trying to find an excuse to wear it for over a year, and I finally did it! Didn't feel as self concious as I thought I would, and I felt so much more girly haha. The only thing I will say - being a fatty and not dainty - is that it actually hurt to keep my legs closed for that long lmao! Felt like I had to keep my knees glued together! But it was worth it :) I won't think twice about wearing it more often now!
Anyway after the movie we went to KFC over the road (mmmm) which was delicious. We were gunna go to Frankie and Benny's, but we realised we really couldn't afford it, so we'd save that for payday :)
So the birthday celebrations were really nice :) <3 Kev had to leave that night because of work early the next day, but at least we got to see eachother.

And todayyyyyy is our 1 year Anniversary! :D Amazing!
I really can't believe it <3 In a way it's flown by and it doesn't seem that long, and in other ways it feels like I've always known him and 1 year is the equivalent of a month or something.
It's so nice that we both feel the same way and are both so excited for what the future will hold, his status that he put on Facebook made me grin ear to ear and well up a bit haha <3
It's a shame we couldn't spend it together, but it would be too expensive for Kev to come here for a couple of hours, and we get to see eachother Saturday so it's fine. :)
The week after I will have been paid so maybe we can go out for a meal for the belated anniversary :)
I also have two new baby albino snails on the way! Unfortunately - buying them through the post was not what I wanted to do, but I didn't really know what else to try - the posties wouldn't put them through the door today, so they're spending the night in the dingy post warehouse place. Makes me sad! I hope they've just hidden away and buried themselves and fingers crossed they will let me take them home tomorrow! Wednesday is the only week day the pick up point is open late!
I really hope they are there. I want my babies to come home! I've decided to call them Luke and Leia, and I hope to make them really happy and healthy and right all the wrongs I did with Tic-Tac. He wasn't mistreated by any means, but it seems like I didn't really feed him a variety of foods, and I didn't realise that older snails need help eating, so it makes me feel so bad for him.
But he had a good life :) <3
So all in all, the last few days have been awesome! <3