So I've seen a few reflection posts and thought I should have a little gander back at the last year!
2013 started off well!
I had just been made redundant from my job that I loved, but I was optimistic for the new year and not perturbed by the lack of job or money!
I spent New Years at Ben's place up in Denbigh and went to a house party at his friend Dan's house, who has a lovely girlfriend Rachael aswell! They are now my friends on Facebook and it's nice to see they got engaged on their anniversary this year! <3
The 2nd of January I travelled from Denbigh down to Birmingham for our Fatboy tattoo day! Me Noah and April went to Caesar at Body Garden Tattoo to get a tattoo each and it was really nice being the only people in there the whole day. I felt totally out of it from all the travelling but it was a good experience! The tattoo was agony on the inside of my arm and it was badly bruised for a week or two afterwards which kept it extremely tender, but I'm so in love with it I couldn't care less! :)
I also started talking to Kevyn just before Christmas 2012, and I can remember sending him a photo of the fresh tattoo from the hotel. We met up for the first time on the 21st January - which has now become our anniversary! - and we just clicked instantly. I'm so happy we met and I can't imagine how this year would have gone without him in my life <3 I've seen him pretty much every single week since we met and I don't think either of us find the time together quite long enough!
We both love going places when possible and finding geeky things to get into, so it's lovely to finally have that in somebody. :)
It's so amazing and eye-opening to fall in love with someone that falls in love with you back, I could never have even imagined feeling this way before, finding someone that can be a best friend and a boyfriend and just a great companion. That's enough of the sickly speak, and he knows it all already, but I can't wait to have our own little family life and everything exciting like that!
As well in 2013 - after many failed interviews and awful 'help' from the Job Centre - I managed to get a job! I started at the beginning of October - so coming up to 3 months there now - and I work as a receptionist and clinic prep assistant for the Sleep Unit at the central Hospital. I couldn't have believed I would enjoy working so closely with the public, but I really love it, getting to chat to interesting characters every now and again and helping people. There's always going to be grumpy so-and-so's, but that doesn't bother me so much.
They haven't had a permanent member of staff for atleast a year, and already people have left and I seem to be the senior staff member doing what I'm doing! :\ Very odd! But it's interesting work.
Towards the beginning of the year I also sold a good few Commissions, which I am so greatful for! I always find it so humbling that people would want to buy my art. Of course I would love to sell more, but any commission is welcome these days! The aforementioned Rachael also commissioned me to draw her and Dan as an anniversary present, which was such an honour! <3
I can't think of many other exciting things that have happened this year. Every gig and event that I or we have been to have been brilliant, and I can't wait for more! We went to our first Comic-Con in August and that was fantastic. I was really skint, so I didn't have much to spend, but they are holding another in March and I am hoping to go and spend more money!
Now for 2014.
I am really looking forward to this coming year.
Not only will it hold many adventures for me and my man, but hopefully it will bring us even closer together, as only a budding relationship can! Can't wait <3 Also more Fatboy adventures too!
I also intend to get back into reading more. This year has been so disorganised that I really need to get back in to a routine, and reading is one of the important routines! I want to give myself a target on Goodreads for 2014, but I think I will aim rather low, around 20, because if I put the average 50 that everyone puts, that means one book per week, which when you read thick novels and only get an hour or so to read each day that's nearly impossible! So I will start low, and hopefully kick that targets ass!
I would also like to create more art this year. Commissions would be more than amazing - and I need to promote myself more this year definitely - but I really do need to create more art for myself. I'm fed up of all my favourite pieces of art being fan-art for contests, or characters that aren't mine. I need to fulfil my potential and draw what I want to draw for me.
I'm also hoping I can get another tattoo or more this year. I'm really wanting more ink in my skin! So many little ideas to bring to fruition. :)
I'm not sure what else I would wish from 2014. I think continued happiness is more than enough, and I wish you all the same! :)
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Christmas 2013!
So Christmas is nearly behind us.
I've had a really nice festive period this year, so much more enjoyable than the last couple of years I think - especially last year!
I've had a really nice festive period this year, so much more enjoyable than the last couple of years I think - especially last year!
I mentioned briefly that I met up with April and Noah to swap prezzies last Friday, and then me and Kev had our own Christmas Day on the Saturday. Then Sunday I went to the Harry Potter Tour for the third time, and then worked Monday and Tuesday! Met Tracey for a quick hot chocolate and to swap prezzies after work on the Tues, and then yesterday was Christmas Day!
I've had loads of amazing presents this year, I feel like such a lucky girl! :)
I didn't take too many photos over the few days, but here's some that I did take!
I've had loads of amazing presents this year, I feel like such a lucky girl! :)
I didn't take too many photos over the few days, but here's some that I did take!

The chocolate Log I made for my mum today (with a Tesco mix of course lol). The icing sugar went terribly wrong but it looks alright for my first attempt! Next year will be better!

LOL me and Kev in our awful do we look XD And I had to answer the door twice!

Mmmm, pigs in blankets <3

Full Moon, Half Moon, Total Eclipse!

Mine and Kev's Christmas dinner :)

Not many photos I know, but still! It was really enjoyable :)
Here are the photos of my presents too! I realise now I missed quite a few out, but I'll try and point them out where I can! Silly me :C
Here's the gorgeous hoard of books that I got from Kev, Mum, April and Noah :)
Can you tell which character I fell for this year? Prezzies from my Mum and Kev :)
Posh Harry Potter tickets and a quill from Tracey!
The gorgeous mask that me and mum got at the German Market after I fell for it <3 With a book lol.
Finally! Pokemon! Prezzies from Mum and Kev, and I bought the game guide in advance :3
Bits and bobs from my mum and a necklace from Gill! Thinking now I could have done a larger photo with lots of other things that I've stupidly missed! Such as the Cyndaquil plush and gorgeous wooden Night's Watch badge that my fatboys got me! As well as a couple notebooks and 2014 diary, chocolates etc...nevermind.
And I got these yummy Cupcake and Cheesecake books from April and Noah! :D Can't wait to try out some of the recipes, it all looks so tasty! I really hope to do more baking this well as fitting in a diet *cough* lol...
Also they got me a Sugar Skull Mould!! :D Eek! Always wanted one but never got around to it <3 Can't wait! Might make some chocolate ones first, that might be easier lol.
I also had a Cursed Cookie cutter that looks like a voodoo gingerbread man, but I got it from my Auntie after I'd taken these photos. That should be fun too! :)
So all in all, this year's Christmas has been amazing! Love everything I got! <3
Hope you all had an awesome year too and I'm hoping 2014 is even better than 2013 has turned out to be! :) <3
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Quick Christmas Update!
Christmas is upon us!
I've deleted my Holidailies posts because frankly the questions were boring the hell out of me and I couldn't be bothered any more! So yeah.
I'm sure I'll do a 2013 meme thing anyway :)
So Christmas Day is tomorrow!
Friday me and Kev met up with April and Noah at April's parents, and we swapped prezzies which was lovely! I got some yummy cupcake and cheesecake recipe books, so I definitely need to have a go at them before long! And a Sugar Skull mould! *squeals* Wanted one of them for aaaaages!
Got other luffly stuff too but I will take some photos and do a proper post after Christmas is done :)
Me and Kev had our Christmas on Saturday and so more prezzies were swapped! :D Fun! I had lots of books - including the gorgeous Labyrinth Goblins book that I've wanted forever! - and goodies and again I'll take some photos soon enough :D Also got Pokemon X, so once I get my 3DS tomorrow feel free to send me your friend codes! ^_^
I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour again on the Sunday with Gill, Terasa and Kevin(2!), while they're doing the 'Hogwarts in the Snow' and that was lovely!
Worked Monday and today, met Tracey for a Hot Chocolate and to swap prezzies, and now I've just finished wrapping the rest of my Mum's prezzies :D
So yeah...I'll do a bigger Christmas entry soon, for now, I'm going to pig out and chill out and enjoy Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!
I've deleted my Holidailies posts because frankly the questions were boring the hell out of me and I couldn't be bothered any more! So yeah.
I'm sure I'll do a 2013 meme thing anyway :)
So Christmas Day is tomorrow!
Friday me and Kev met up with April and Noah at April's parents, and we swapped prezzies which was lovely! I got some yummy cupcake and cheesecake recipe books, so I definitely need to have a go at them before long! And a Sugar Skull mould! *squeals* Wanted one of them for aaaaages!
Got other luffly stuff too but I will take some photos and do a proper post after Christmas is done :)
Me and Kev had our Christmas on Saturday and so more prezzies were swapped! :D Fun! I had lots of books - including the gorgeous Labyrinth Goblins book that I've wanted forever! - and goodies and again I'll take some photos soon enough :D Also got Pokemon X, so once I get my 3DS tomorrow feel free to send me your friend codes! ^_^
I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour again on the Sunday with Gill, Terasa and Kevin(2!), while they're doing the 'Hogwarts in the Snow' and that was lovely!
Worked Monday and today, met Tracey for a Hot Chocolate and to swap prezzies, and now I've just finished wrapping the rest of my Mum's prezzies :D
So yeah...I'll do a bigger Christmas entry soon, for now, I'm going to pig out and chill out and enjoy Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, 13 December 2013
London Trip with Cornetto Trilogy and St James' Park! x
Finally getting around to putting these photos up! Quite Image heavy so y'know...
Me and Kev went to London on Sunday 24th Nov for a screening of the Cornetto Trilogy in a lovely little cinema off of Leicester Square called Prince Charles Cinema with a following Q&A with Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright! Eek! :D
Me and Kev went to London on Sunday 24th Nov for a screening of the Cornetto Trilogy in a lovely little cinema off of Leicester Square called Prince Charles Cinema with a following Q&A with Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright! Eek! :D
We left home about 8 in the morning and walked up to Broomhill to get the bus in to town. We went into Wetherspoons and had a lovely fat breakfast to keep us going! :D The Megabus was around half 10 so we have plenty of time, and had a bit of a nap on the way up to London I'm sure!
When we got into London we walked over to Victoria underground and after what felt like hours managed to get our tickets for the two days! Then we got the tube to Waterloo where our hotel was :)
I was quite surprised to find that you can see the big Wheel from there and The Old Vic is there too! I never really knew where those things were! And there was a play on in the theatre that had Vanessa Redgrave and James Earl Jones in! How cool!
Anyway we settled our stuff into the room and then headed back out to the tube station!
This little guy was in the park across from our hotel!
We headed to Leicester Square on the train and headed to the cinema which was so cute! It's got loads of old style movie posters outside and they show loads of amazing screenings of old films and marathons and everything...gah, if only we were closer to it!
My Kev rolling a fag outside lol!
This Charlie Chapin was across from the Cinema! So cool!
We were probably among the first people there so we went off to grab a burger in Leicester Square before it started!
The Odeon where all the big film premiers are I think!
These dudes were being naughty, but how cute hehe!
So anyway...we got in there, and the cinema screen rooms are lovely! The chairs slope upwards towards the screen, which I thought was really odd, but it worked really nicely! We were in the back row which was good really, easy to get out between films for a wee and a Cornetto!
So Edgar Wright came out to introduce each movie and tell us the IMDb tags which were hilarious, and told us a little about each film. I tried to get photos of the evening but it really didn't work on my shitty little camera!
After the three films Edgar Wright came back out with Simon Pegg and they did a Q&A for an hour which was amazing! Was so great to be in the same room with 300 huge fans and those two amazing guys! Obviously I would have loved Nick Frost to have been there (though I might have fainted or something lol) but alas, can't have everything!
It was really great, I'm so glad we went and I'm so glad I had someone to share it with! <3 Not a trip to London on my own again!
Saw these guys in the Chinese by the cinema, so cute!
Lights in the tree across from The Old Vic!
I was SO looking forward to a shower once I got back to the hotel, and so I left Kev with the TV remote and went for a nice relaxing shower...but no...I forgot...London has SHIT water! It was like standing under a dripping gutter pipe lol. Annoying! But atleast I was clean lol.
I don't think either of us slept very well from what I can remember, but it was nice being away somewhere together :) We got up early enough to go down for breakfast and had a nice fat buffet full English, yum! Though Kev wasn't quite awake enough lol;
I told him to get ready and he went back to sleep with his phone in his hand! :P Silly billy! <3
Anyway, we left and headed towards the station again for a nice day of wandering!

Anyway, we left and headed towards the station again for a nice day of wandering!
Cute wooden chairs in the park! We couldn't figure out how to get in lol. I like the mini ones :3
The Elephant in Waterloo Station! It was impossible to get to though! Best I could do.
Yay I got an escalator photo hehehe :D
I wanted to go to St. James' Park to see the Pelicans but it turned out as a trip that lasted a good few hours! It was so nice there, I loved it! And so did Kev :) He loves parks as much as I do hehe. We walked around taking our time which was nice, and it was amazing how many birds were there that came right up to everyone!! I just WISH I had taken some bread or something! Couldn't buy it anywhere nearby! (I knew I should have pinched some muffins from the buffet at breakfast!)'s some of the pics I got, it was so nice, and my camera is so crap, so not that fab, but nice memories all the same :)
Took a detour over to Buckingham Palace but it wasn't that exciting so we went back lol.
This is such a fancy photo and view! <3
Kept these beauties, though they are crisp and brown now :C
Aww we always look so ill in photos together lmao! Though at this size my skin looks so pure like a photoshopped image LOL what happened there!
Eerie fuckers <3
Wise old Heron!
Amazing crooked tree with a crutch! lol
It was so lovely there, we didn't want to leave! But alas, we were dying for a wee, so we had to go!
We headed towards the Natural History Museum :) I think we'd lost interest once we'd got there though, our feet were aching too much by that point! But we had a nice time, and saw some fun things hehe.

Had to take a photo of this smug dude...I think I took a photo of it last time I was there too!

We headed towards the Natural History Museum :) I think we'd lost interest once we'd got there though, our feet were aching too much by that point! But we had a nice time, and saw some fun things hehe.
Had to take a photo of this smug dude...I think I took a photo of it last time I was there too!
Way too immature not to take a photo of this...
This odd thing down in the subway was interesting lol.
After we left there we headed back towards Victoria and got some food in the Wetherspoons there and then headed to the Coach Station.
Love the creepy Megabus man lol.
He looked so comfy!
Kev fell asleep by the time we left the station lol, though he was rudely awoken by our really Welsh driver over the mic telling us to look left at Harrod's Christmas window displays! Which were awesome by the way. Looked like a huge long train carriage, amazing!
I slept most of the way home too, which was nice, and we made it back to Bristol around 7pm.
All in all it was a great two days with my man in London! Loves it! :D <3
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