30 Day Challenge 1
Day 3
Your favourite television programmes.
This was meant to be your fave TV show, but I can't decide on just one...so here are a few of my favourites! :)
Grey's Anatomy
I think this probably one of the longest running drama series that I've actually stayed up to date with! And I still really like it, even with alot of the early cast gone! But I'm liking the new additions and it'll be nice to see how it goes from here for however long they'll keep it going!
Aww, gotta love Qi, I really like Stephen Fry, and Alan Davies as well, so it's fun watching their interactions every show. And of course, it's brilliant for learning amazing and pointless information! I love it!
Game of Thrones
Wow. Honestly, like alot of the population at the moment, I am in love with this! I'd always heard that I'd probably like it, and so one day at work I decided to start reading the first book online...and oh dear, I was hooked! Went out and bought the first 2 books that same day and put the first series on my Lovefilm list. And that was the end of that! I adore the characters, they're really well brought-to-life in the series, and I love how they've made everything look and feel. I'm always excited to see what happens next, and I'm almost too scared to read the books before a series in case it blows it for me! It's gunna be a long wait til next season...
Aww, my Winchesters! Only got into this in June 2012 and I couldn't believe I hadn't had it in my life! I bought the seasons 1-6 boxset as soon as I could and watched them all back to back. Waited a little bit til season 7 was on TV, and now season 8 starts on TV soon! I want to rewatch some of season 7 before it starts, but I'm so excited for it to be back! Unfortunately Bobby was my favourite, but I will still be loving it no matter what! <3
The original Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright effort, with the beautiful Nick Frost as well of course! Lol...This is just quirky and fun and I love it. I like Brian the mental artist lol, and of course Tim Bisley, who is a comic artist <3 And Mike with his military obsession! <3 It's just fun and I enjoy watching episodes when I get a chance. Shame it was only 2 seasons long!
This is England - Series
Y'know I was terrified when I heard they were making a TV series of This is England. I couldn't imagine what they were going to do! But as soon as I saw these ads I knew I'd love it. I love Lol and Woody, and it was nice that the series kind of focuses on them more. I love that the series follows the same characters growing up, and I think it is such a hard hitting show! 86 packed a huge punch, and then 88 was just so emotional, I just can't wait for 90, which I think is going to be the last one. I just adore this so much <3
True Blood
I never really liked True Blood, but a couple of years ago I bought the first season to watch and I really enjoyed it. I started watching the second and just couldn't get into it...But Kev watched the first season and we've started watching it and we're really getting into it! We're about half way through the 3rd season at the moment, and I need to buy the 4th soon 'cause it's getting almost addictive! I think it could easily get naff so I'm not keeping my fingers crossed, but I am enjoying it so far :) I think Bill might be my favourite. I absolutely hated Jessica when I first started the 2nd season but now I think she's one of my favourites and I'm really hoping she gets back with Hoyt <3

I'm not quite caught up on this yet as it's still on TV and I've hardly had any time at home to watch it...but I'm really loving this series. I think because we know Hannibal's future it makes it all that more exciting when tiny little things happen and I love Will Graham. I still need to get the Red Dragon book 'cause I found the 2nd one at a book sale, but I'm a little scared because if the character doesn't have Aspergers it might not be as intriguing...or that's atleast what I love about the character in the series...but I still think it's a fantastical story and plot so far! I'm only about 5 episodes or so into it, and I've heard everyone getting excited over the ending, so I'm looking forward to it...but we'll see how it goes! :D